Stream record - Quick GuideHow to take a screen cast or a video in Nimbus Screenshot? 1) Click on Nimbus Recorder Icon. 2) Select desired options: Tab S...
Formulas - Quick GuideUsing the Formulas tool, you can add mathematical formulas, expressions and equations to screenshots. For working with formul...
What is Quick upload or how to share a screenshot without creating an accountWhat is Quick Upload? Quick upload allows you to upload a screenshot to Nimbus Note without registering and creating an accou...What's the Capture scroll fragment mode for?What can I do in Capture scroll fragment mode? With this mode, you can take a screenshot of separate fragments with in-page s...
Streaming/Instant record - Quick GuideThe main advantage of streaming is speed! You record a video and immediately get a link to it, which you can send to friends ...
Nimbus Screenshot - Quick GuideBig news - Nimbus Note has evolved into a powerful new collaboration platform, FuseBase! If you loved using Nimbus Note to or...Nimbus Screenshot App for Google ChromeHow do I make a screenshot? In Nimbus Screenshot App, there is just one option for taking a screenshot - by pressing the capt...About permissions in Nimbus Capture for Google ChromeWe launched a new version of Nimbus Capture and got a few claim letters from our users about new permissions. It should be no...
How to record video from screen (screencasts) - Quick Guide (only for Google Chrome)What is screencasting for? Screenshots are great, but you can't really create a full-fledged guide with just pictures. A vide...How to send a screenshot to Slack?1) Make a screenshot and edit (if required) in the editor. 2) Press on Slack in the outgoing window. 3) Sign in to your Slack...Nimbus Screenshot for browsers's settings - Quick GuideImage Settings - Format - allows choosing the format in which to save your screenshot. You can also select screenshot quality...
Nimbus Capture for browsers - TroubleshooterI accidentally closed the video window and did not save it. Now is my video lost? Firstly it's important to remember that if ...
Drawing tools for video - Quick GuideCan I draw while recording a video? Yes, please use the drawing toolbar for this. How to enable the drawing toolbar? You can ...
Nimbus Screenshot for Edge - Quick GuideHow to Create Screenshot There are 3 ways to capture your screen: a) With the help of the button in your address bar; b) By u...
How to convert a video to MP4 or GIF?Press Convert MP4 or GIF - Select the desired format and resolution of the future video - Next, press Convert Video. Conversi...
How do I add a watermark to a screenshot?To get started, you can watch this video showing basic Watermark features. How do I add a watermark to a screenshot? 1) Open ...Why don't I hear sound after converting into MP4?In all likelihood, it has to do with an audio codec issue. 1) Download and install codec packs: For Windows - https://codecgu...How to record a video from another program or of an entire Chrome window? (desktop record)?Why do I need desktop recording? Desktop recording may be needed in the following cases: You need to record a video of anothe...