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Fck Me! Im Gonna Do This Diet and Exercise Sht!: Funny Daily Food Diary Diet Planner and Fitness Journal For Some Real Fcking Weight Loss! (Tough Love To Inspire Bad Ass Bitches!)

Price: $7.99

You’ll love this if you want to lose weight and like swearing and sarcasm! It’s a funny tough love diet and exercise planner to support you in your weight loss goals from being a Weak Ass B*tch! to becoming a Bad Ass B*tch! It helps you track everything you need and not die of boredom in the process! 

It’s got 90 daily pages (about 3 months/12 weeks worth) for you to track your food and fitness activities. It’s simple, fast and easy for you to record the key information you need whilst getting a much needed boost from the tough love rude ass quotes! 

There’s also goals pages, 30/60/90 day progress reports and space for you to track your weight and body measurement losses and gains.

The 90 daily progress tracker pages lets you track:

  • your activity or gym info, reps, durations etc and calories burned/goals achieved
  • your food intake and the macros (carbs, fat, protein, calories in each if you wish) and total it for the day.
  • your water, sleep and supplements
  • how you felt that day and your goals for tomorrow.

It’s undated so you can start and stop anytime and it’s a good size to fit in a bag or purse to carry with you. Makes a great gift for friends or family to help them stay on track to achieve their diet, weight loss and fitness goals.  (That is If they like tough love + cuss words+sarcasm!) Perfection!

SIZE: 6×9 inches (approximate A5)

PAGES: 100 

COVER: Soft Glossy Cover



via Tracy Brown
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