How My Life Changed After I Became a Life & Business Coach
How My Life Changed After I Became A Life & Business Coach
How My Life Changed After I Became A Life & Business Coach
Before I started coaching, I was primarily focused on becoming successful for myself and my family…
…that was really the only thing on my mind.
Then I reached a point in my life where I was physically forced to make a pivot, due to 2 knee surgeries, and dropping out of college…
…later I started coaching kids on how to play basketball, and that was the taste of coaching that I would need to validate why I am going to pursue coaching in some way…
…well several years later after I began earning money online, then someone reached out and asked me if I could show them what I was doing to earn online…
…I decided to go for it, and back in the ancient times of 2014, I enrolled my very first high paying online coaching student, and started coaching him to success!
That was the moment when I realized, my life no longer was about me and my family…
…you see, that became the very day that my entire life changed, and my mission becameabout other people!
That 1st student went on to launch his 1st product within 90 days of our coaching, and his launch sold hundreds of units of his digital products with 4 days…
…that same student now has built his own thriving online business earning more than enough, and he has been living life on his terms for several years now.
Long story short, this was the confirmation that I needed to prove to myself that I was more than capable, and that I could do it too!
I became much more patient with people, and understanding of people moving at their own pace
I learned the importance of making it about my students and clients, and taking care of them like family
I learned why it’s always better to be 100% real with your clients because their life/business/family is depending on the work you do together to help them reach their goalsI learned how to see the world through a different perspective, and still reach your goals
I learned about how important it is to operate from a place of love and compassion at all times to help people move forward
I learned about the importance of putting people before profits
I learned about how impactful the work is that I do when my clients get results, and are able to share those results with their loved ones
I learned about personality types, and have been able to work well with multiple different types of people with different personalities
I learned how fulfilling and rewarding it feels inside when I share my expertise with students and clients, watch them take action, and then see them get results
I learned about the importance of continuous education, and on going learning to further improve the quality of results that my students are able to achieve
I learned about the importance of building a tribe of like minded people so they can network, support, and unite online with one another to help them stay accountable to their individual goals (it truly does take a village)
I learned about the importance of helping my clients get what they want, because I have been getting what I want in return
You see, I can keep going on about how much I learned since I got into coaching…
…I absolutely love coaching others, it’s truly a passion of mine, and I’m always looking for the next person to help with our coaching solutions!
Are you a coach right now yourself?
If so, please share what are some big takeaways that you got from this post…
And, what are some of the ways that your life changed after you became a coach?
And are you looking to get coaching to take your life and business to the next level?