📎 Client Name
✉️ Client email
Please put the client's name here Please put the client's email here
📄 Thank you for taking the survey
1. Have you ever used a product form?
2. How offen do you use our platform?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Once a week
- Infrequently
- Don't use
3. Are you pleased with our product?
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
4. Do you use other similar solutions?
- Yes [please specify which ones]
- No
5. Have you needed to contact customer service?
6. How can we improve your experience?
Please leave your feedback here 7. What do you pay attention to first when you visit our website?
Please leave your feedback here
8. What industry are you in?
Please leave your feedback here
9. Please rate our platform for the following parameters:
- Speed
- Satisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Value for money
- Satisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Support
- Satisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
10. What do you pay attention to when choosing a tool?
- User-friendly interface
- Design
- Availability of paid features
- Access to other users
- Eease of use
- Integration with other tools